I have been speaking with a lot of men, and one of the major issues of the average, middle class male I've talked to, in not being willing to speak up, is the fear of being cancelled. Because if you speak up and say something, the woke mob will come for you, so for most people, they would rather sit back, not say anything and just stay out of the radar. There are good reasons for this, such as not wanting our businesses and families affected.
I understand this conundrum well and it certainly causes me pause. The fear of not knowing how your personal situation will be affected is scary.
For many years, I have hesitated to put any kind of opinions out that may not fit a certain narrative, but the problem is, that means that my voice doesn't matter and it's tough to sit by and take that.
Clearly when you have any type of potlitical opinions you are painted as a target, especially by people that do not agree with you and you will be singled out.
But this is just one reason that I formed this group. I believe there are strength in numbers when it comes to issues and an issue I see is we, the forgetten men of this country are not organized and thus, we have not consolidated our power and our voice and our resources, so we are unable to fight back against the woke mob and thus, we are allowing things to occur that would not have happened in past generations.
If we do not get organized, decide what is important to us and do something about it, we will get what we get, and we cannot then complain, because we allowed it to happen.
So I say we organize, we pool resources and begin to build a coalition of like minded Americans who want to see our country remain the leading nation in the world and not fall victim to our lack of courage to stand up for things we know are right.