You are here because you believe in a brighter future for America. So do we. Let's connect.
Mission Statement
We build the bridges and dig the trenches, we plow the fields and haul the goods, we fly the planes and guide the ships, we move the economy, preach in the churches and fight the wars, we’re white collar and blue collar, small town and big city. We are the backbone of this country. But we've become the silent majority, because somewhere along the way, we lost our voice. They seek to divide us because divided we are weak. But we are not weak, we are strong. We are neither Right, Nor Left, We are American. We are not defined by our politics, we are defined by the legacies we leave, and we are no longer willing to fade into the background succumbing to extreme ideologies, corrosive poloticians, corrupt corporations and institutions, and the woke mind virus. We are taking back power from those who wish to divide and destroy our country from within. We realize we are more alike than we are different, and we seek to unify not divide.
Our mission is to create a stronger, more united America.
We seek to find common ground, to give a voice to the common man, to defend the constitution, hold those in power accountable, and to ensure a prosperous future for our families and Americans.
We believe in 3 core values; Faith, Family and Freedom. These are represented by the Three Stars in our Emblem.
We are Men for America.